Giving Back

Your support enables us to make a global difference, as we commit to donating 50% of our profits to charitable causes.

Our main objective in these donations is to give back to the very communities that cultivate your beans. We proudly partner with GlobalGiving, a reputable non-profit supporting initiatives in over 175 countries.

Below are some select projects we are currently committed to donating to:

Current Projects


Sustainable Nutrition for 823+ Families in Peru

Through participation in a sustainable farming program, 823+ rural farm families in the Piura region of Peru will develop a buffer between themselves and starvation. Participants learn to provide their families with complete nutrition by planting sequential gardens, raising small livestock, growing field crops, learning proper hygiene practices and money management. Families participate together and are encouraged to pay it forward, creating a lasting impact on their community for generations.



APOPO HeroTREEs - a Climate-Smart Solution

The Uluguru Mountain Forest in Tanzania is known for its unique biodiversity and is one of the top priorities for biodiversity conservation in Africa. APOPO in partnership with Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), is training farmers in sustainable organic agro-ecological practices, helping to protect the environment and safeguard the futures of the communities that live there, by improving
soil and water quality, improving food security, reducing poverty and preserving biodiversity.



Plant 30,000 native trees Costa Rican owned farms

Pay community men and women to plant 30,000 trees (65 species) in biological corridors covering water springs and rivers in Guabo Valley watershed near Pacific ocean. All farms owned by Costa Ricans. Build sustainable businesses like production of fertile soil, production of trees, sustainable eco-tourism and forest management practices promoting long term rainforest conservation. Combat climate change through permanent capture 30,000 tons of CO2. Excess water vapor transpiration. Repair soils.



Break The Cycle Of Poverty Through Education

Ninos de Guatemala (NDG) provides over 500 children from low income families with access to the quality education they deserve. Operating 3 schools, NDG partners with families and the community to help children gain "skills for success" that will serve them in both education and life. NDG strives to be self-sustainable due to its Child Sponsorship Program and its two social business initiatives: a Spanish school and a tour operator based in Antigua, Guatemala.